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〮대한외과대사영양학회 교육위원회 위원
- Prevalence of Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients: a Multicenter Cross-sectional Study. - J Korean Med Sci. 2018
- Is neuromuscular blocker needed in children undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy? A prospective, randomized and controlled trial - Medicine 2017
- RNA-Seq for Gene Expression Profiling of Human Necrotizing Enterocolitis: a Pilot Study.-J Korean Med Sci. 2017 May
- Potential association between ITPKC genetic variations and Hirschsprung disease. -Mol Biol Rep. 2017
- Pediatric appendectomy: the outcome differences between pediatric surgeons and general surgeons. -Surg Today. 2016
- Reliability and validity of Korean version of modified: Yale preoperative anxiety scale. - Ann Surg Treat Res. 2016
- Gene expression profile of necrotizing enterocolitis model in neonatal mice. -Int J Surg. 2015
이외 20여개 논문 집필.
- 임상 대사 영양학(2016, 가본의학) 공동집필
- 뇌성마비(2013, 군자출판사) 공동집필